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A scientific question implies that you are inquiring about the world around you, and expecting a fairly precise answer. Also, if the subject matter of the question is such that it might normally concern one of the scientific disciplines, it will get classified as a science question.

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Q: What classifies a question as a scientific question?
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A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

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A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

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A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

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No, it is not a scientific question. It is no more scientific as to ask someone if they like classical music!

What do scientists use to answer scientific question?

The Scientific Method

What features make a question scientific?

it will be scientific if you have to do an experiment to get the answer

What part of the scientific method is a question?

Question is the second part of the scientific method.scientific method contains:observation --> question --> hypothesis --> experiment.