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there was the medieval warm period which lead the vikings to colonize Greenland

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Q: What climate change affected Scandinavia in the 9th century?
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Function of entropy in climate change?

Entropy in climate change refers to the measure of disorder or randomness in the Earth's climate system. As climate change progresses, entropy increases as the system becomes more unpredictable and chaotic. This can lead to more extreme weather events, shifts in ecosystems, and challenges in predicting future climate patterns.

How do tornadoes affect climate change?

Tornadoes do not affect climate change. They may be affected by climate change, but how is yet to be determined.

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Animals affected by climate change?

Animals affected by climate change include polar bears (due to melting sea ice), coral reefs (bleaching events due to warming oceans), and migratory birds (disruption to their travel patterns). The changing climate can impact these species' habitats, food sources, and ability to adapt to new conditions, leading to population decline and ecosystem disturbances.

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Anticyclones can be affected by climate change. When air temperature increases it causes clouds to evaporate and anticyclones create dry weather in the summer time.

Are jaguars affected in global warming?

There is no evidence that shows jaguars are being affected by climate change.

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What environments have been affected by climate change?

The polar ice caps.

How has climate change affected Hong Hong?

There is something wrong with hong d:

What is the largest contributor to climate change in 20th century?

Al Gore.

Who is affected by climate change?

Animals, people living in polar ice caps, Ect.

Who would be affected by climate change?

The people who will be most affected by climate change apart from you and me are children in developing countries. They will have to put up with the harsh consequences of climate change the most. They already have it tough and it is concerning and upsetting knowing they are facing an even tougher future.