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Hardwood trees are usually found in a warmer climate

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Forests grow well in spring and rainy season

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Damp and cold.

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Damp and Dry

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temeprate and modrete

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Q: What climate does forests grow well in?
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Why do maple trees grow well in a temerate rainforest?

Probably because temperate rain-forests are their natural environment, where conditions are right for them.

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tropical climate and heavy seasonal rainfall.

Can apple trees grow in Canada's forests?

Apple trees do not grow well in ANY forest. They need sunlight to grow well.

What is the climate of cold temperate evergreen forests?

The area where evergreens grow have about 80 inches of rainfall and have a temperature of 60 to 85 degrees F.

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The best climate to grow carrots in is a cool climate. This is the one they prefer. They grow well in loose soil and need plenty of water to thrive.

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The climate of Nigeria is very different from the climate of England. Plants that grow well in one place might not grow well in the other.

Where do birch trees live and in what climate do they live in?

Birch trees tend to live in forests. These forests have a mild climate that changes often such as the climate found in Michigan.

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What is the climate in north Asia?

In Northern Asia, the climate is frigid and ranges from forests, to mountains, to tundras. The forests are coniferous, and the mountains are alpine.

What is the climate like in North?

In Northern Asia, the climate is frigid and ranges from forests, to mountains, to tundras. The forests are coniferous, and the mountains are alpine.

Why do smaller herbs and shrubs not grow well in dense forests?

the dense forests mostly have trees which most likely shield the shrubs depriving them from sunlight and water