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Hot desert climate.

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Q: What climate is hot in the daytime cool or cold at night and is very dry?
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its a very hot climate, but in the night its cold/ cool

Does a desert cool faster than a swamp in the daytime?

Both a desert and a swamp warm up in the daytime, not cool. They both cool at night with the desert cooling the fastest.

How do cold climate affect climate?

bring cool weather to climate

Is climate the weather closer to the equator?

Climate is the average weather found anywhere on the planet. For instance, Britain has a cool, wet and windy climate. The Sarah has a dry, very hot day and very cold night climate. The Antarctic is noted for having a very cold climate.

Why is it that during nighttime it is cold in the desert?

Most hot deserts quickly cool down at night because there is little humidity and cloud cover to hold in daytime heating. The heat radiates back into space and the desert become quite cool at night.

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Do Syrian hamsters have special ways to keep cool or warm?

No, but during the daytime they sleep, at night,when its cool, then they wake.

What is the climate of the Arctic?

It's freezing cold out there but its actually pretty cool of the climate they have..

What is the location of the tropical Savannah climate?

its is very warm hot sometimes at night but cool sometimes to hot in summer and very very cold in winter.

What climate has cool summers and bitterly cold winters?


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the climate in Alberta so cool in the summer and in the winter it can be as cold as 15degres

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