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a tropical climate

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Q: What climate type is associated with barren land?
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What type of land is in the northern part of the united kingdom?

Mostly barren and mountainous.

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What type of ownership rights is associated with the land that abuts water?

Riparian right is the type of ownership rights that is associated with the land that abuts water.

Which type of vegetation is not associated with a semiarid or arid climate?

The vegetation that is not associated with a semiarid or arid climate would be cacti. Cacti are found in warm, dry desert regions.

What is a bogs climate?

Since bogs are found in both temperate and tropical regions of the world, there is not one particular type of climate associated with bogs.

What is a tropical maritime?

It is a climate type; A land area in a tropical zone but where the climate is moderated/influenced by the proximity of an Ocean.

What is the marine type of climate?

the climate that areas situated near a body of water or mainly near the sea expirience. Usually associated with moderate temperatures.

Northern asias climate?

Tundra type climate. There are no mountains to prevent the arctic air currents from flowing down over the land.

Climate of northern Asia?

Tundra type climate. There are no mountains to prevent the arctic air currents from flowing down over the land.

What type of land would you suggest Rebecca buy?

land in a temperate climate with a good water supply and fertile soil

What type of climate does the rhino need to be in?

grass land or open plain hot and humid

In what type of climate would chemical weathering have the greatest affect on the land?

warm and moist