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I think it's Taiga.

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Q: What climax community is a little warmer and wetter than the tundra?
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The summer climate of a tundra climate is?

Allways cold but it gets a little bit warmer in summer than it does winter

What is the description of the tundra?

when snow covers the tundra , caribou often change their grazing behaviour and move to warmer areas for food

What are the main differences between a tiaga and a tundra?

The tiaga has a warmer temperature than the tundra. The tiaga also has many more animals than the tundra. The tundra is a white plain and the tiaga is a conifer forest.

What dinosaur lived in the tundra?

Remember that where it's tundra now was quite a bit warmer during most of dinosaur times. At some points there may have been no tundra at all.

What kind of hawks live in tundra?

A hawk of the North, the Rough-legged Hawk breeds in Arctic tundra and taiga regions around the northern hemisphere. Both dark and light forms are common, with many birds intermediate between the extremes.

What are two reasons why the taiga has a greater diversity of animal life than the the tundra.?

1.It's warmer in the taiga. 2.There's more food there than the tundra.

Do grizzly bears turn white from the snow in the tundra?

No, they tend to hibernate until the warmer spring weather.

What are two reasons why the taiga has a greater diversity of animal life than the tundra?

Because it is slightly warmer, and it has more plant life (such as evergreens, spruce, fur, and a variety of trees) for animals to rely on in the wild.

What happens if methane is released from the tundra?

Methane is a powerful Greenhouse Gas. It is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The release of methane from tundra is what an engineer would describe as a positive feedback loop: # The warmer it gets the more the tundra (permafrost) thaws. # The more it thaws the more methane is released. # The more methane (GHG) in the atmosphere the warmer it gets. # Return to step 1

What might happen if the tundra began to have longer warmer summers?

Animals move to other places or they will not survive. Or the population might grow.

What might happen if the tundra suddenly began to have longer warmer summers?

Animals move to other places or they will not survive. Or the population might grow.

A little warmer than cold?

Luke warm.