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Hematocrit is a percentage, so low hct with normal hgb levels could mean overhydration.

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Q: What clinical setting has normal hemoglobin and low hematocrit?
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What is the lab value of hematocrit?

Normal Hematocrit for Men is 41-53%Normal for Female is 36-46%

What leads to normal hematocrit levels in anemia?

Iron deficiency anemia. The normal hematocrit (ratio of packed red blood cells to total blood volume) rules out anemia due to loss of blood cells through hemorrhage or sickling. Below-normal hemoglabin indicates an iron deficiency in this case. No available iron = no hemoglobin produced.

What happen when hematocrit level is low normal range?

The hematocrit is the percentage of the blood that is red blood cells so a low hematocrit usually means the red blood cells are low. The most common reason for this is increased blood loss, often from menstrual or gastrointestinal bleeding. It could also be from decreased production due to a bone marrow problem or vitamin or iron deficiency or some more unusual problems.

What is a the normal hemoglobin level for a baby?

For an infant, normal hemoglobin is 14-22 g/dL

What is the difference between normal and sickle cell hemoglobin?

loss of only one amino acid from the normal hemoglobin molecule

In a normal blood test do they look for hcg just a normal blood test at the dr office to find out if i had low iron?

Hcg is a pregnancy hormone, often used to determine if conception has occurred. Are you sure they didn't test for hemoglobin (Hb) and/or hematocrit (Hct)? Those are used to test iron levels.

How much one unit of blood will effect hematocrit?

Anemia will reduce the Hematocrit levels. Normal Hematocrit levels are 37-47 in females and 42-54 in males. In anemia, the levels are below normal. In polycythemia, they are above normal.

What are normal hemoglobin levels or amounts of iron for neonates?

Normal levels of hemoglobin for neonates are 17 - 22 g/dl.

What are normal hemoglobin levels or amounts of iron for adult females?

Normal levels of hemoglobin for adult females past menopause are 11.7 - 13.8 g/dl.

What is the molecular basis for the difference in the electrophoretic pattern between normal hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S?

sickle trait hemoglobin