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Stone age women wore simple clothing made from animal skins and furs. They would have worn garments like tunics or dresses that were wrapped or fastened around the body. These clothes provided protection from the elements and served practical purposes for everyday life.

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Q: What clothes did stone age women wear?
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Did stone age people wear jewelry?

Yes, evidence suggests that people in the Stone Age did wear jewelry. They often used materials such as shells, bones, and teeth to create ornaments like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. These adornments served not only as decorative objects but also as symbols of social status, cultural significance, and personal identity.

What job did the Stone Age people women have?

Stone Age women were typically responsible for activities related to gathering food, such as foraging for fruits, nuts, and plants. They also played a central role in childcare, food preparation, and possibly in making clothing and pottery.

Who were the stone age people?

The Stone Age people were early human societies who lived during the prehistoric period and relied on stone tools for hunting, gathering, and crafting. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers who lived in small communities, and their way of life laid the foundation for the development of human civilization.

What is the role of women during the middle stone age?

During the Middle Stone Age, women likely played a significant role in gathering food, childcare, and creating tools. They may have also been involved in activities related to food processing and possibly in making clothing. Overall, women's roles were likely focused on contributing to the survival and well-being of their communities.

Why did the stone age people have to learn how to build shelters and make clothes?

Stone age people needed to build shelters to protect themselves from the elements and wild animals. Making clothes was necessary to keep warm and protect their bodies. These skills were crucial for survival in their natural environment.

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What did the stone age wear?

What did the Stone Age wear

What clothes did stone age use?

they used animal hides sticked together for clothes

What is the difference in the clothing of stone age and modern times?

In the stone age people went about in skins and hides of animals they killed, today men wear clothes made of cotton, silk , nylon and other material and yes they add a jacket of fur as well.

What materials was the stone age peoples clothes?

They used the skin from animals for clothes,also to keep warm.

What would it be like to be a women in the stone age?

in the stone age women were treated like crap just like the middle ages.

What did the people in the iron age wear?

Leather!! No not leather, they wore hand made clothes as they existed during 1200BC. The women of the tribes made most of the clothes because they had the skill and the men's skill was hunting, fishing etc.

What you would wear in the stone age?

animal skin (furr)

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What do Stone Age people spend most of their time doing?

The Stone Age people spent most of their time hunting and gathering. The men had to kill animals for food and clothes, while the women and children stayed in safer areas and gathered wild fruit, nuts, leaves, mushrooms, etc ...

What are the characteristics of the new stone age?

domesticated animals pottery weaving tools clothes

What age can girls wear designer clothes?

Girls of any age can wear designer clothes, but it is important for parents to consider their child's comfort, appropriateness of the style, and budget before allowing them to wear designer clothes. It is recommended that younger children focus on comfort and practicality rather than brand names.