

What clothing did homo Sapiens neanderthals have?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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animal clothing ?

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Q: What clothing did homo Sapiens neanderthals have?
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Which appeared on Earth first Neanderthals Homo habilis Homo sapiens Australopithecines?

Australopithecines appeared on Earth before Homo habilis, Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens.

What are homo sapiens and neanderthals?

Homo sapiens are the species of modern humans, while Neanderthals are an extinct species of human that lived alongside Homo sapiens in Europe and Asia. Neanderthals were known for their robust build and large brains, and genetic evidence suggests that they interbred with early Homo sapiens.

Why are neanderthals sometimes given the name homo sapiens neanderthals?

Neanderthals are given the name Homo sapiens neanderthalensis to show their classification within the same genus Homo as modern humans (Homo sapiens), but as a distinct species. The inclusion of Homo sapiens in their name emphasizes their close evolutionary relationship with modern humans.

How many tipes of human were there?

Members of the species Homo Sapiens include:Homo Sapiens Idaltu (Extinct)Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis/Neanderthals (Extinct)Homo Sapiens Sapiens/Modern Humans (Living)

What did the homo sapiens neanderthals live in?

They lived in caves.

Did homo sapiens neanderthals care about themselves?

no you losers

How are homo sapiens and neanderthals different?

Homo sapiens and Neanderthals were two distinct species of the Homo genus. Neanderthals had a more robust build and different skull anatomy compared to Homo sapiens. They also had distinct cultural practices and lived in separate regions, with Neanderthals primarily found in Europe and Homo sapiens in Africa.

How did Homo Sapiens Neanderthals make their clothing?

Homo sapiens Neanderthals likely made their clothing from animal hides and furs, using tools like bone needles to sew them together. They may have also used plant fibers to create garments. While specific details are not known, their clothing would have been essential for protection from the elements.

What is an example of coeval in a sentence?

Coeval means, "of the same time period or era." So, Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens were coeval. Neanderthals were coeval with early Homo sapiens.

Why are neanderthals sometimes given the name homo sapiens neanderthalensis?

Neanderthals are sometimes referred to as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis because they are considered a separate species within the Homo genus. The species name "neanderthalensis" indicates their distinctiveness from anatomically modern Homo sapiens.

What kind of clothing did homo sapiens sapiens have?

homo sapiens never wore clothing...they didnt need it..they were hairy enough