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Q: What code groups would be used to report a successful vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery?
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What is the possibility of a successful vaginal birth after a cesarean section?

The success rate for vaginal birth after cesarean section in patients who have had a prior low transverse uterine incision is approximately 70%.

Can cesarean section prevent the child from getting HIV?

Elective cesarean section will prevent transmission of HIV in most cases. There are chances of mother's blood getting mixed up with the blood of the fetus during normal vaginal delivery. This is largely prevented in elective cesarean section delivery.

What is two forms of childbirth?

natural birth wich means no drugs are given to the mother to alleviate the pain of delivery ,and second we have cesarean birth wich is when the baby is deliver trough surgery. However, just because drugs are used during Vaginal birth does not disqualify it from being defined as natural. You can have a drug free natural vaginal delivery, or a natural vaginal delivery and use safe medications before and during delivery. A beter answer would be: 1- Vaginal 2- Cesarean section, where the baby is surgically removed from the womb.

How is the perinatal infection human papillomavirus treated in newborns?

Cesarean delivery rather than vaginal delivery seems to reduce the risk of transmission of HPV from mothers to infants.

Can a woman have their tubes removed at delivery?

It is not typically done at the same time as delivery, especially with a vaginal delivery though it can be done during a scheduled cesarean, but it is possible to have it done very soon afterwards.

When are Cesarean sections done?

They are performed whenever abnormal conditions complicate labor and vaginal delivery, threatening the life or health of the mother or the baby

Can you give birth after having cesarean with your first baby?

Yes, you can have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). If you have a supportive care provider your chances of having a successful VBAC are 2 in 3, the same as a first time mother's chances of having a vaginal birth. For more information about the risks of VBAC and risks of repeat cesarean check out

What is the correct code for a patient who had a previous c section then has a vaginal delivery?


What methods are there to avoid a breech birth?

The risks of vaginal breech delivery can be avoided by delivering the baby through a surgical procedure (cesarean section, also known as c-section). For the past twenty years, cesarean section has been recommended when the fetus.

Whats the chances of your uterus rupturing if you give vaginal birth after a c section?

60-80% of women who try VBAC have a successful vaginal delivery.

What treatment exists for resolving a breech birth?

If a fetus is in the breech position in the last weeks of pregnancy, there are three possible courses of action: Cesarean section, attempted version, or vaginal breech delivery.

What is cpt code for anesthesia for vaginal delivery?

Anesthesia for vaginal delivery only