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Q: What colony had plantations and slave labor?
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Slave labor so dominated the rice plantations of from its founding that by 1730 a majority of its population was black?

Yes, during the early 18th century, South Carolina became heavily reliant on enslaved labor for the rice plantations, leading to a majority of its population being black by 1730. This demographic shift was a result of the significant influx of enslaved Africans brought in to work on the rice plantations.

What was required to make plantations cash crops a source of wealth?

Slave Labor ~

Large farms that used slave labor for its crops?


Why did the Europeans need to bring African slave over to work the plantations?

Europeans brought African slaves to work on plantations because native populations were decimated by diseases brought by Europeans and were not sufficient in number or adapted to the harsh working conditions. Africans were seen as a readily available and exploitable labor source due to the Atlantic slave trade.

What was the importance of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

The importance of the Atlantic Slave Trade was that it help the colonists in the US. For example, the Africans did hard labor which they were paid less than average payment. Also, it helped the Southern Colony, because the colony runs on plantations.

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Did the Maryland colony use slave labor?

No, Maryland didn't have slave labor. There was discrimination, but no slavery.

Why did the south use slave labor plantations?

To earn money and to get the job done.

Which colonial region had many plantations and depended on slave labor?

Southern colonies

Portuguese were the first to enter the slave trade and establish large scale plantations using slave labor in?

West Africa

Which colony used slave labor for farming?

The southern colonies

Colony that turned to disease-resistant African slaves for labor in its extensive rice plantations?

South Carolina