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the middle colonies

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Q: What colony had the most town meetings?
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Related questions

Did the Delaware colony have town meetings?

Yes, to discuss future meetings which never took place.

What did the coercive acts ban'?

most town meetings in colonies..

Where did the town meetings take place in Massachusetts colony?

Often in a church building, the most common large meeting place available.

Where are town meetings held?

new England town is where town meetings most prevalent

Why was a meeting house at the center of a colony in the New England colonies?

it is where the peeps met for church and town meetings

What did people do in town meetings?

What did people do in town meetings

New England Town meetings?

Most towns in New England, as well as the rest of the country, have town meetings. These meetings are usually open to the general public and are a way for the people of the town to find out what is going on with regards to spending and other important details.

How did direct democracy work at new England town meetings?

Town meetings.

What is the antonym for town meetings?

un-town un-meetings. Not all words or phrases have antonyms.

What type and size were best for England town meetings?

The type and size of a room or hall that was best for England town meetings would be any size that accommodates the numbers of people attending the meetings. If it were a large number of people, and outdoors area would most likely be the best option.

What was the colonial name for the laws that banned town meetings in Massachusetts?

The Coercive Acts were the laws that banned town meetings in Massachusetts.

What became a public duty as a ruslt of living close together in new England?

Attending town meetings.