

New England

New England is the northeastern region of the United States, consisting of the states Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It is a region with a strong cultural identity, much of which stems from its history as an early English settlement.

664 Questions

What colonied make up the New England colonies?

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The New England Colonies, which were administered by England, included Connecticut, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Massachusetts, and the Province of New Hampshire. These colonies were part of the original thirteen, and later became the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. They are part of today's New England, along with Vermont and Maine.

Which new England state has no coast line?

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Vermont is the only New England state that does not have a coast line.

How big is Britain compared to new England?

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Great Britain is significantly larger than New England. Great Britain, which includes England, Scotland, and Wales, is about 80,823 square miles, while New England, made up of six states in the United States (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont), has a total area of about 71,991 square miles.

Why was new England hard to farm in?

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The early colonists had difficulty farming in New England due to the poor quality of the soil. Several thousand years earlier, glaciers had scraped all the soil from the surface of the ground and left bare rock. Then as the glaciers retreated, they dropped rocks all over the place. Nature had only just begun the process of building up soil when the colonists came. In order to plant crops, the colonists had to clear the forest, remove the rocks, and deal with the thin infertile soil.

Why was The Confederation of New England was organized?

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The New England Confederation was when the New England colonies came together to fight the British crown. This was a big step for NE.

What did New England do that southern colonies did?

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They had some workers and animals

The main exports of New England were?

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Lumber, fish, and furs

Why did the New England colonists stay in the New England colonies?

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England and various programs paid them too, because England was overpopulated and running out of resources on their island, they paid people to go over to America and send them back resources such as lumber. It was a sort of investiment that England made

What do you think colonist in New England had of the dominion of New England?

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When James II, king of England, established the Dominion of New England, he revoked the charter of Massachusetts and established a royal governor in its place. Though the Dominion of New England lasted only until 1688, it left a lasting impression on Massachusetts. While other colonies received their original charters after the dissolution of the Dominion, Massachusetts became a royal colony. The Crown dealt the last blow to the "Citty upon a Hill" idea by establishing religious toleration in Massachusetts. The leaders of the colony could no longer exile those that disagreed with their religious beliefs.

How did education in the new England colonies differ that in Virginia?

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In New England, there were universities and Puritan educations. Virginians learned on the plantations and religion was further separated from education.

How where the new England towns settled?

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Many in the New England area came for religious freedom. Some came for economic opportunities.

Which new England states have land north of 45 N latitude?

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New Hampshire and Maine

Why do you think new endland merchants became leading members of scosiety?

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why do you think new England merchants became leading members of scociety

What New England colonies had the smallest amount of land?

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Rhode Island is the smallest state in New England and all of the US.

Why did the New England colonies export fur to Europe?

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The fur industry was extremely profitable. Wearing furs was a status symbol. Wealthy Europeans would pay quite a lot, especially for the furs of animals not common in Europe and being that North America had not been colonized yet, there was an abundance of animals to trap and skin.