

What color(s) of light do plants use?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What color(s) of light do plants use?
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What colors provide the most energy for plants?

The wavelengths of light that contain the most energy that plants can use are blue.

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What wavelength of colors do plants use for photosynthesis what color is reflect back to your eyes from a leaf?

plants use red and blue light for photosysnthesis, green is reflected back by the chloroplasts in the leaves - green light is therefore not used for photosysnthesis

What colors should you use to color a path?

use dark colors for background and then use a light colors for the front of it.

What colors of light are effective for photosynthesis?

Red mostly. Leaves appear green to us because plants don't use it and reflect it away.

Because you see plants as looking green this means plants are absorbing all other colors of light and reflecting the light to your eyes?


Why does the color of a light affect a plants growth or does it?

The color of a light does affect a plants growth. Plants absorb certain colors of light better than others, and, essentially, the more light a plant can absorb, the more it can grow.

What Makes Some Plants Blue?

Anthocyanin is a pigment in some plants (like blueberries) that absorbs all other colors of light in the light spectrum and reflects blue light.

Why are there few blue-colored plants?

The light you see outside does not look like it, but it contains all of the colors of the plants take in the frequency of which it takes in.

Would different color lights affect the growth of a plant?

yes it would. plants absorb different colors of light better than others. the more light plants absorb, the more they grow. certain colors let in more light energy for the plant.

What are black light pigments?

This could refer to the colors that are made to use with a black light. Colors that glow under a black light.

What would you use to split white light into colors?

If white light is shined through a prism, it will be dispersed into colors.