

What color are golden hamsters?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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a sort of light caramel colour.

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Q: What color are golden hamsters?
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What color is a golden hamster's pee?

Golden hamsters are chunky rodents with compact, low-slung bodies. They have large ears, and a tiny tail. Golden hamsters have cheek pouches which the hamster can store food in, this is very noticable. Golden hamsters come in dozens of varieties of coat colour and pattern, as well as long-haired individuals.

Are golden hamsters more aggresssive than angora hamsters?

Angora hamsters are Syrian (Golden) Hamsters. They just have a special fur variant.

Were golden hamsters thought to be extinct?

Yes, Syrian hamsters (golden hamsters) were thought to be extinct until a man found a mother and her litter.

Can golden hamsters and teddybear hamsters mate?

yes any kinds of hamsters can mate .

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What country and what year were golden hamsters found?

in the 1800s

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Are golden hamsters Syrian hamsters?

Yes, it's just another name of calling them:). As well as Golden Hamsters, Syrian hamsters are also sometimes referred to as teddy bear hamsters (long haired syrian hamsters), alien hamsters (hairless syrian hamsters), black bear or european black bear (black syrian hamsters). They are all variations in colour/coat of the same species of hamster. I believe all hamsters are from Syrian so they all have a common ancestry

Can golden hamsters live together?

The black bit in the middle

How old do golden hamsters get?

They live to be 15 years old.

Do Golden hamster live solitaire?

If you mean do golden hamsters live by themselves yes they are not very social and can't live with other hamsters accept occasionally two siblings will get along.

Can panda bear hamsters be orange?

'Panda bear' is simply a colour variant of the Golden, or Syrian hamster. Syrian hamsters come in a variety of colours, including sandy, golden and ginger.