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Q: What color are plant tissues that contain only xanthophyll?
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What is a xanthophyll?

A xanthophyll is a derivative of a type of carotene, a plant pigment commonly yellow in colour.

Which pigment of plant protects form UV damage?


Plants are green because they contain?

Plants look green because inside the leaves there are chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are green and they are there to help make energy for the plant using the sun to make glucose (energy). In autumn/fall the leaves dont need the chloroplasts because there is less sun so the plant turns red/yellow/brown. A plant also contains xanthophyll and other things that are coloured yellow/red/brown, the xanthophyll is usually covered up by the chloroplast. So when there is no chloroplasts the Xanthophyll can change the leaf colour.

What type of root does a bean plant have?

They contain tissues called xylem,which transports wáter,and phloem, which transports food.

What tissues make up plants?

Protective tissues ( form a covering on most plants that helps prevent water loss and protects the plant), Photosynthetic tissue (transforms the sun's energy into sugar), and Transport tissues (contain hollow, tube-like cells that move food and water through the plant)

Why there are high percentage of carbohydrates in plant tissues?

plants contain cellulose which is long chain carbohydrate . also plants get carbohydrates by photosynthesis.

What makes up PLANT?

Protective tissues ( form a covering on most plants that helps prevent water loss and protects the plant), Photosynthetic tissue (transforms the sun's energy into sugar), and Transport tissues (contain hollow, tube-like cells that move food and water through the plant)

In what kinds of cells are chloroplast found?

Chloroplasts are found in green photosynthetic cells of plant tissues

What is a vescular plant?

A plant with tissues that carry water

Plants cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyll?

Plant cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyll also appear green in color. This green pigment is contained within the chloroplast.

What is a vascular plant?

Plants that have lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals, and photosynthetic.

What is the vascular tissue (xylem)?

Vascular tissues are plant tissues that transport nutrients and water throughout a plant. The two types of vascular tissues are xylem and phloem.