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Transparent like liquid water. However if viewed from a bird's eye view the lakes would appear orange for the same reason that oceans on Earth appear blue, because it refelects the color of the atmosphere.

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Methane is colorless in small concentrations, because of the small amount of molecules interacting with photons, to produce a almost innoticable color.

HOWEVER, in large concentrations (similar with water) the color becomes a distinct BLUE color.

As Titans lakes are almost entirely composed of Methane it makes sense for them to be blue. Yet, this can only be noticed when under the surface of the lake. The surface will reflect the surrounding environment(including the orange hazey atmosphere) making them appear orange. YET, as you dive below to a reasonable depth and shine a white light the true blue color of the lake with come through as Blue. The same thing occurs with water.

Take water as an example, in low concentrations its colorless, yet in much higher concentrations it truley appears blue, such as in a bath tube.

Methane gas is blue too, just look at Neptune and Uranus. Their color is derived from Methane.

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