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They were most likely comprised of a range of hues, from darker pigmented (out of Egypt and Ethiopia, for example) to the Middle Eastern peoples of Israel, Phoenicia, Syria (much as they may look today) to the somewhat lighter skinned Greeks and Romans.

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Q: What color are the people in the Bible?
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Lincoln's Bible was black.

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No, quite the opposite, the bible says that all different colors will gather around the throne together in heaven.

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the color red is mentioned in the Bible 15 times.

Was Bathsheba in the Bible black?

The Bible does not specifically state what her skin color was. Remember, the vast majority of the people in the Bible were "Semitic," light to dark brown in complexion. Ultimately, it does not matter what skin color the people in the Bible had. Skin color is meaningless in the message of the Bible. The few verses about Bathsheba or Bathshua only mention her father and grandfather as being in King Davids court and probably fellow members of the tribe of Judah. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a descendant of Solomon, a son of King David and Bathshua. If I had to render a 'quess,' I would say she was Semitic from the tribe of Judah married to a Hittite - neighboring peoples.

Where in the Bible is the color brown?

The color brown is found 4 times in the Bible. The book of Genesis chapter 30 verse 30 through verse 40 mentions the color.

What color is the King James version of the gideons Bible?

It is mostly black in color.

What does the color teal mean in the bible?

Mother Mary's color, as well as blue.

What does the color black mean in the bible?

you are hardworking

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Were there any men of color in the Bible?
