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Most vaginas with infections show no change in color. Trichomoniasis or candida can cause red vaginal skin.

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red, because of the blood

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Q: What color are vaginal blood clots?
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Related questions

Is it normal to feel very large blood clots and be able to push them out during a period?

Being able to feel very large blood clots, may be a problem. Feeling blood clots is normal, but large ones may cause vaginal viruses.

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.

What determines your blood type?

The determination of blood's color will depend on if there is oxygen in the blood or not oxygenated blood is a dark red color, the same color of the blood that comes out of am open scratch, Or Blue if it has little to no oxygen at all

How does your blood look as you see it in your eyes?

Color of blood when you look at it should be brilliant red (assuming you are not red-color blind) and when it clots its usually turns brownish.

Blood clots during your period?

blood clots doing my period

Why blood clots do not form in a blood donation?

They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

Why are you having watery blood with blood clots?

Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.

Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

Does black blood clots instead of blood for your period mean your pregnant and if it smells really really bad?

Black blood clots do not relate to whether or not you are pregnant. You should see a doctor if the clots are bad. In general, if you are on your period/ losing blood, you are not pregnant. The smell and color mean you may have an infection It may also be an viral STI (as opposed to just bacterial).

If a mosquitoe bites you on a scab can you get blood clots?

If a mosquito bites you on a scab you will not get blood clots. This bite may cause major irritation but it will not give you blood clots.

What causes blood clots within blood vessels?

Blood clots are caused by certain surgical procedures and diseases.

Y do we get blood clots in our blood?

People get blood clots for different reasons. The most common reason why people get blood clots is because there blood is to thick and cannot function right.