

What color can you get cockatiels?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Cockatiels come in a wide variety of colors including Grey, Lutino (yellow), Cinnamon, Pearl, Albino (white), Whiteface, Fallow and Pied. There are new color mutations surfacing every day, creating more variety for pet owners interested in keeping the birds.

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What color are cockatiels?

grey, yellow, and red just below the eyes

Do cockatiels see in color?

Yes they do they see color better than us humans

When cockatiels the bird shed do they grow back a different color hair?

Birds do not grow hair.

Do cockatiels have parasites?

Yes, cockatiels can get parasites.

What subclass do cockatiels belong to?

Cockatiels are a type of cockatoo.

What class do cockatiels live in?

Cockatiels are parrots, and members of the cockatoofamily.

Do cockatiels have a lump on their throat?

Cockatiels should not have a lump on their throat.

Can cockatiels live with baby chickens?

No, cockatiels should only be housed with other cockatiels. Not only do other types of birds have different types of diets, but they also have different personalities and will sometimes clash with cockatiels.

Are Australian cockatiels colourblind?

Healthy cockatiels are not colorblind. Cockatiels and other parrots can actually see a wider range of colors than humans can including parts of the ultraviolet spectrum. Some markings on parrots are only visible in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. (See attached link about ultraviolet markings on another Australian species, the budgerigar). However, some color mutations can be linked to vision problems, especially whiteface lutino (often incorrectly called albino) cockatiels.

Can cockatiels be white?

Answer: Sure, they can. When cockatiels are white, they are either of the Lutino breed, or they are albino.

What percentage of cockatiels are male?

62% of all cockatiels sold in stores are males.

Do cockatiels travel in groups?

In their native habitat, cockatiels do flock with other cockatiels. This is a natural behaviour which is primarily for defence against larger birds of prey.