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Red, there's something about it that just gets pulled over :-)

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Q: What color car is most likely to get pulled over?
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What car is most likely to be pulled over?


What is the most popular color car that is pulled over?

red and black

What color cars gets pulled over the most by law enforcements?

RedThere is no evidence that red cars get pulled over more than any other.check snopes below.

Can you get pulled over if your driver side headlight isn't out but the passenger one is?

You are less likely to get pulled over when it is on the passenger side, but you can still get pulled over for it.

What colour of car has the most accidents?

i dont think there is a certain color that gets into accidents more but i know that red cars have a higher chance of getting pulled over than any other color car.

What will more than likely happen if you get pulled over by a police?

They will justify their interest in your recent activities.

What car make is most commonly pulled over?


Is it unlawful to get pulled over because of the color of your skin?

Yes. It's called racial profiling and if you can prove that it was the only reason the officer pulled you over, you can take him and the county/state to court for civil rights violations.

What is a primary seat belt law?

It is when you can be pulled over solely for not wearing a seatbelt. Most states, however, have secondary laws in which you cannot be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt but can still get a ticket for not wearing one if you are pulled over for something else.

Who get pulled over for speeding tickets the most men or women?


Can you get pulled over for expired tags in california?

Most definitely. It is a violation.

What happens if you get pulled over and have drugs in your car?

Most of the times you go to jail.