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Green and magenta light combine to create white light.

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Q: What color do green and magenta light make?
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What color does green and magenta make?

Combining green and magenta will produce a dark purple color.

What color lights make up magenta?

The color magenta can only be obtained by mixing equal amounts of red and blue light;The color magenta is the complementary color of green;Other words for this color: fuchsia (named after the flowers).

What colour does magenta light and green light make?

Magenta light and green light do not make any new color when mixed together. They are complementary colors, so when combined, they will either cancel each other out or create a shade of gray.

What color is white light minus green?

White light minus green light would appear as a magenta or pink color. This is because when green light is subtracted from white light, the remaining combination of red and blue light creates the magenta/pink hue.

What does magenta and green light make?

your dad xD

What color is not a primary color of light?

Magenta is not a primary color of light. The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue, which can be combined in various ways to create all other colors in the visible spectrum. Magenta is a secondary color created by combining red and blue light.

What color does magenta and light blue make?

a rich light purple

What colours light make magenta?

Magenta is a secondary color that can be achieved by mixing red and blue light together. When red and blue light combine, they stimulate the cones in our eyes to perceive the color magenta.

How do you make the color magenta with paint?

To make the color magenta with paint you must mix dark red and a little light blue adjust the ratio of the colors to get what you are looking for.

How do you make magenta color with paint?

To make the color magenta with paint you must mix dark red and a little light blue adjust the ratio of the colors to get what you are looking for.

What color do magenta and yellow make?

Magenta and yellow combine to make red.

What color magenta and yellow make?

Magenta and yellow make RED Color