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Initially (before the baby's birth) it looks clear - like murky water. Just before birth it changes to become more obviously white (with a slight yellowish tint). After birth milk leaks are usually due to a full breast which is normally white/clear with a very very faint blue tint.

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Q: What color do pregnant women breast leak?
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When breast do not leak at 36 weeks pregnant is that a concern?

In my experience, breasts do not leak until after you have given birth and are actively breastfeeding.

What medicine would cause you to leak breast milk if you not pregnant?

Risperdal can cause lactation

What happens if your breast leaks?

Some women who are breast feeding have leaky breasts. Otherwise it should not leak. Consult a doctor.

How soon should breast milk begin to leak if you are pregnant?

All women are different. I didn't leak until after I started nursing. But I know women that had to wear breast pads during pregnancy. It's hard to say. I'm not sure what the "normal" time frame is every woman is different. And there it is hard to tell what is "normal" when it comes to pregnancy. I am 27 weeks pregnant and i have been leaking here and there for two weeks. To be honest, I am almost 8 months pregnant and I noticed that I began leaking as early as 5 months. Your milk won't come in until a few days after you have the baby, but your body begins producing colostrum at about 4 months. Some women can leak colostrum, or pre-milk, as early as that time, or some may not begin to leak until after they have the baby.

In what month of pregnancy do your breast start to leak colostrum?

Colostrum comes around the 24 week of pregnancy. Most women do NOT leak however. It is just there.

Why do your breasts leak?

Some breasts leak every time there is a letdown or milk ejection. Some women don't leak at all. It has to do with the individual anatomy of each breast. Some women leak in the early weeks as their bodies are just beginning to produce lots of milk and then stop leaking. Leaking breasts do not tell you how much milk you are making.

Can breast milk come out while you are pregnant?

Some women will begin to make (and leak) colostrum while pregnant. But, the real "milk" usually "comes in" two to five days after the baby is born. Until the milk comes in, the baby is able to get the colostrum which is full of amazing antibodies and nutrients.

Is it normal to not leak at eight months?

When you say not leak do you mean your breast? If so it is very normal. Most women don't start leaking until they have given birth.

Why would your breast tingle and if you squeeze the nipple they leak a milky substance?

I don't know about the tingling, but that milky substance... is milk. Women generally start producing milk when they become pregnant. Either way, you might want to see a doctor.

Would you leak breast milk if you've been sterilized?

If you've been sterilized, you should not get pregnant. If you're not pregnant, you should not be leaking breast milk. You might not be leaking breast milk. You might have some type of infection. You should go to a clinic or doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment, if necessary.

Can a woman leak out her breast when she is not pregnant and what does this mean and is the common?

That is odd, but if you have never had kids you need to go to the doctor. If not then it just happens, you can get a shot for that to stop

Could you leak breast milk at 3-4 weeks pregnant?

yes it is possible you may also be farther along than you think too.