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The solution color of cupric oxide is blue to green.

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Q: What color do you observe for the solution of hydrated copper(II) chloride in water?
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What colour do you observe for the solution of hydrated copper chloride in water?

The dihydrated salt is blue-green.

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The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C.

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Add a drop of silver nitrate to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the salt solution in the test tube. What do you observe?

Should be a white precipitate. Indicative of the presence of either Na or Mg. Wrong again people. Silver Nitrate is used to test for the presence of chloride ions. Such as those in your salt a.k.a sodium chloride and yes adding silver nitrate to your salt solution will create a white precipitate.

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What evidence did you observe that would lead you to believe that the residue was potassium chloride?

The evidence that would lead you to believe that a residue was potassium chloride is it's white crystalline structure. When potassium chloride is mixed with water and the water evaporates, it leaves behind small potassium chloride crystals.