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you can use green and yellow frosting to make a lime green frosting

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Q: What color do you use to make lime frosting?
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What is inside oreo's?

A light, sticky frosting of any color from white, green, yellow, and pink so far with Oreos. Like a frosting mixed with fluff. To make the chocolate (inside out Oreo) you would use chocolate frosting and fluff.

How do you make non buttery chocolate frosting for cupcakes?

Use a chocolate cream cheese frosting.

When was the first recorded use of the color lime green?

The first recorded use of the color lime green was in 1890. Of course it is possible that the color lime green was used before this date without being named but dates cannot be known.

Can you dye chocolate icing purple?

According to two cake decorators, no. Use a white frosting and color it blue, or a white frosting and airbrush it.

How do you make frosting like they use on DC cupcakes?

the answer is get hire an artist to do it

How do you make kumkum?

you have to use a dye to turn it red and use a lime

What kind of butter do you use to make frosting?

You would use the "sweet" or unsalted variety if possible. Or, you could just use common margarine.

Does blue compliment green?

Yes I love it I painted my room lime green and blue

What can you use for decoden if you don't have alex plus?

You can make your own! All you have to do is mix flour (any kind) with any color of acrylic paint. mix it until it gets to be like frosting and there you go! practically free decoden!

What is the function of a lime in cooking?

Lime is supposed to make pickles crisp. However, it does not work very well. The USDA no longer recommends the use of lime in homemade pickles.

Is it all right to safely use a raw egg to make frosting?

No, there is a chance of salmonella. You should use meringue powder instead.

Can you use lime extract instead of lime zest?

yes you can use lime zest instead of lime extract.