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Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

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Q: What color does lithmus paper turn in acids?
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What colour will essence turn blue litmus paper?

if you are working with a strong acid the lithmus paper will turn red.

Why does lithmus paper turn colors?

It is a indicator. It indicates colors according to acidity.

Acids turn blue litmis paper what color?

The litmus paper is turned to red color in acidic solutions.

What color does blue litmus paper turn when it is in a base?

isn't it red?? .....or is that in acids?.....

Acids turn red litmus paper to what color?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

What color does blue paper turn when touched by an acids?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

What color will acids and bases turn litmus paper?

Acid turns it in red, while base will turn it blue.

What color does acids turn red litmus paper?

i think purple Acid does not change the color of red litmus paper.

What is lithmus paper?

it is litmus not lithmus . it is a natural indicator . it is a strip of paper either red or blue in colour . it is used whether a solution is acidic or basic in nature. a basic solution turns red litmus to blue and an acidic solution turns blue litmus into red

What color will acid rain turn litmus paper?

Acid rain, like other acids, turns blue litmus paper red (pink).

What does litmus do in acid and bases?

Litmus paper is reactive to acids and bases. Acids make the paper turn red; bases make it turn blue.

Will strong acids turns universal indicator paper red?

yes strong acids will turn ph paper red