

What color does red and green light make?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Green light + red light in red, green, blue context makes yellow; in red, yellow, blue context, it makes white. RGB is used for computer screens, and RYB for reflected light such as from paintings.

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Yellow light

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No, red and green do not make yellow. Red and green are both primary colors, while yellow is a secondary color created by mixing red and green light or yellow paint.

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You will get the color yellow by mixing red and green.

A red light source and a green light sorce shine on a white screen what color will the screen be?

I am not exactly sure, but red and green paint together make brown.

Why green shirt looks black in red light?

When green light is mixed with red light, the colors combine and form black. This is known as subtractive color mixing, where red light subtracts the green color from the green shirt, resulting in it appearing black under red light.

What color is not a primary color of light?

Magenta is not a primary color of light. The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue, which can be combined in various ways to create all other colors in the visible spectrum. Magenta is a secondary color created by combining red and blue light.