

What color does the env3 come in?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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Blue and Maroon

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Slate blue and Marroon

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Q: What color does the env3 come in?
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When does env3 come out?

its out now

What is the standard color of the lg enV3?


What games come on the LG enV3?

It comes with Ms.PacMan and Tetris.

What colors do the Verizon env3 come in?

Magenta/Reddish, Blue, Black,

What colors does the LG ENV3 come in?

Blue maroon maroon is sooo much better tho

What phone should you get the env3 or lg chocolate?

enV3 because the chocolate is no longer out

When was the lg env3 released?

The LG enV3 came out on May 29, 2009.

What is better the Blitz or enV3?

yes it is. i have had both and i have the env3 right is awesome

When is the LG enV3 coming to telus?

The LG ENV3 is not coming to telus...That particular model is the American Verizon wireless model. The Canadian version is the Keybo 2, which has already hit the telus network. Its seemingly the same phone, however Canada is Black and pink color choices, American is black and maroon color choices

Does an env3 phone have to come with internet?

if u r talking about the Verizon fone env3..yes as of now Verizon put n act a new minimum $10.00 data fee. so yes this fone if u were 2 buy it now does have 2 come w net

How much is the enV3?

the online price of the env3 is $50, whether it is in slate blue or maroon. <3 :)

Does the env3 come with Verizon navigator?

i don't think so i think you have to ask the Verizon people and the will put it on the phone