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They usually have a dirty blonde kind of type, but it depends if they live in southern France or northern France

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Q: What color hair do french people have?
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What color hair do most french people have?

French people in the west and east have brown hair. French people in the south and north have dirty blonde hair, orange hair, or something like that.

What does French people natural hair color?

It is brown if they are not mixed with other countries like Germany or Irish because their hair can turn blonde.

What is her hair color in French?

"Sa couleur de cheveux"

What hair color do British people have?

The color they're born with. British people have dirty blonde hair, blonde hair, ginger hair, brown hair, and sometimes black hair.

Are there people with naturally red hair?

Yes ther are people with red hair. The color of the hair is called red but it is actually more of an orange color.

What hairstyles do French people have?

all French people have bald heads, they have no hair

What color human hair is the thinnest?

White people hair.

What color hair does a bald person have?

whatever color hair they had before they became bald (there is not a specific color for bald people)

What is 'couleur des cheveux' when translated from French to English?

"la couleur des cheveux" is the hair color in French.

How does people get their hair color?

Well, people are already born with their hair color, but the sun can change it lighter. Sometimes it looks like you dyed you hair and have highlights because of what the sun can do.

Are people with blonde hair really dumber than people with other hair color?


What hair color do Icelandic people have?

Often they have Brown hair. Mostly all Iceland people have dark colored hair.