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Q: What color has the greatest increase in water temperature is it black green red or white?
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What is the color of the stars with the greatest surface temperature?

Its brighter so has blue colour

What does the color of soil affect temperature?

the phoases in the soil makes the moonarik in the air increase temperature by 13.0303274%

How do you increase color temperature from 3000K to 4500K?

Use a light blue filter.

Does the color of a house effect its temperature?

yes, the color of your house effects the tempture. a dark color absorbs heat. Mostly Black

How does color of paper white or black affect temperature?

white reflects light and black absorbs it white-cooler black-hotter

What color do you get when you mixed green and black?

Dark green if you only add a dash of black and if you increase it just gets darker until black overpowers it

How does the color of an object affect how warm it gets?

Some things, such as stars or metals, will change there color as they increase in temperature, indicating that they're radiating different energies. However, if you mean the "real" color of something, such as a plant or a shirt, then yes, there is a direct effect on temperature based on the color of the object.

What color has the highest temperature?

Flat black, but of course, that's literally impossible to have. Basically, it's the flattest color of black you can have (flat as in not shiny) that normally would produce the most heat.

What car color has the highest temperature?

Flat black, but of course, that's literally impossible to have. Basically, it's the flattest color of black you can have (flat as in not shiny) that normally would produce the most heat.

what is the colour temperature and wavelength of incandescent lamp?

An incandescent lamp's light has a color temperature between '2700 to 3300 K". Such a temperature approximates an ideal black body radiator, and it could have an effect of "warm". If a neodymium coating is used, the color ranges from yellow to red. After a period of use, the color turns into white and then to blue. Blue and black colors are at the end of the visible wavelength.

Is the temperature of a star determines its color?

Yes (its called black body radiation).