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Baby hens can be various colors, depending on the breed, with white, yellow, and light brown being most prevalent.

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Q: What color is a hen when it is babies?
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Will a broody hen be ok when the babies are taken away?

If the babies are still fluffy and cheeping it's better not to take the babies away from the mother or otherwise, The mother will be stressed and looking for them all day long, Which wouldn't be fair on her. You can give the chickens away when you identified them if they're a rooster or hen.

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Hen is the female gender of the species. Chicken is a species Hen the female and rooster the male gender.

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It depends on the hen's diet.

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It depends on the size of the Hen's. For babies, a few inches will be enough room. For the more fully grown Hen's 10+ inches of space will be required.

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because of the yellow color hen.

What two colors can an eggs shell be?

Breeds with white feathers lay white eggs. Breeds with red feathers lay brown eggs.

Will a mother hen kill babies that are not hers?

yes because the mothers adapts to other baby's as her own baby birds

How are babies eye color determined?

The eye color is determined by the genes of the parents.

When can babies see color?

Babies see color from the time they are newborns. There have been a lot of studies using color and watching babies' eyes track it, but the bottom line is they see the same world that we do as they enter it.

Can babies see in color?

It actually depends on the age of the baby. When babies are first born, they see in black and white and have blurry vision. But gradually, babies start to see in color when they grow to be a few months old.