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Hibiscus flowers come in lots of colors like red, yellow, purple, pink, blue, orange, multicolored, and white.

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12y ago

Different shades of red mostly. The colour can also be somewhere between white, yellow and purple as there are many different species of hibiscus.

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What is the color of hibiscus purple in acids?

In acidic conditions, the color of hibiscus that is initially purple can turn red or pink. This change in color is due to the change in pH affecting the pigments in the hibiscus flower.

What color is the hibiscus flower?

Lilies can come in almost any color, though they are frequently white with streaks of colors coming from the center of the flower. THey often have a star-like shape, but also come in a cone-type form.

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What does a 3-toed sloth eat?

Mostly leaves. They love hibiscus flowers too!

What does a 3 toed sloth eat?

Mostly leaves. They love hibiscus flowers too!

How does the hibiscus flower make itself attractive to insects?

Many flowers, like the hibiscus have evolved to attract insects by traits such as bright colors and attractive smells.

How to make hibiscus a indicator?

To use hibiscus as an indicator, you can prepare a solution by soaking crushed hibiscus flowers in water. The acidity of a solution can be tested by adding a few drops of the hibiscus solution and observing the color change. In acidic conditions, the hibiscus solution will turn red, while in basic solutions, it will remain unchanged or turn blue or green.

Why is Hawaii's state color red?

Red is one of the many colors of the hibiscus flower, the state flower. To the ancient Hawaiians, the color red was a sacred color and denoted royalty and power.

What type of pollination occurs in the plant Hibiscus Rosa sinensis?

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, commonly known as Vegetative Hibiscus can either self polinate (because it is a hermaphrodite shrub) or because of its flowers huge size and the reddish color and hues, it attracts humming birds that are major agents of its pollination.

What is the alphabetize of hibiscus?


How do you spell hibiscus?

That is the correct spelling of "hibiscus" (plant genus Hibiscus).