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There are two ways to be a jewish person . 1- Have a jew mother {{ Jesus Christ }} . 2- Merry with a jewish lady . {{ Joseph the Godfather of him }} . As holy spirit I think the color is unknown . And black first of all . And then it have to be brown like most of jewish people .

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Q: What color is all seeing eye of God?
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What does the all seeing eye mean?

All seeing eye is symbol of god, watching everyone, everything and everywhere. :)

What is an all-seeing eye?

An all-seeing eye is another term for the Eye of Providence, an eye usually enclosed in the eye of a triangle, used to represent the eye of God.

What's with the eye in the triangle?

The eye in the triangle is the Eye of Providence; it symbolizes God's all seeing eye.

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Its sorta the "all seeing eye of some egyptian god....... ithink google it

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The all-seeing eye is a symbol that is interpreted to representing the eye of God watching over mankind. It is the Luciferian symbol meaning to have power, control and money.

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Horus or the Eye of Providence. It symbolizes God's omnipresence and our ultimate accountability to Him for our actions.

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i love you

What does the all-seeing eye represent?

The eye symbol in Ancient Greece represents the evil eye. The evil eye is when someone looks at a person to curse them. It is a superstition that is found throughout the Middle East. Talismans are worn to protect against the evil eye.

What does the pyramid with the eye on top of it represent?

The eye on top of the pyramid represents the eye of God, the all-seeing eye, or the eye of Providence. The All-Seeing Eye derives from the Eye of Horus in ancient Egypt..The journey of the soul in search of light (enlightenment) is represented by a pyramid, the top of it being the final destination. You reach the top of the pyramid, you reach God.Read more at Suite101:The Meaning of the All-Seeing Eye: Secret Teachings of the Eye of Horus Mystery School

What do you call a triangle with the eye?

A triangle with an eye is commonly referred to as an "all-seeing eye" or "eye of providence." This symbol often represents divine guidance, protection, or knowledge. It is commonly associated with various spiritual or mystical beliefs.

What cells in the eye detect light and dark but not color?

Rods are for seeing light and dark, cones are for seeing color.

Is the all seeing eye the left eye or right?

Neither. The all seeing eye is a 6th sense or intuition