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it is white... look at

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Q: What color is caffeine?
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Does caffeine change the color of eggs?

Eggs do not contain caffeine

What is the normal color of pee if you have drank a lot caffeine?

Dude! don't drink just water drink caffeine and water but I don't mean at the same time

Is coke a safe drink?

safe enough to drink... contains caffeine and color dyes.

Is pepsi a solution?

Because the ingredients- sugar, caffeine, flavor, color and carbon dioxide- are dissolved in water.

What is inside the doctor pepper soft drink?

carbonated water, caffeine, artificial flavors and preservatives, caramel color

Does white gold change colors if you drink to much caffeine?

No. If your gold changes color it isn't real gold or is a overlay.

What is the ingedients for dr pepper?

Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, carmel color,phosphoric acid, natural and artificial flavors, sodium benzoate [preserative],caffeine

Does caffeine have caffeine in it?

Hey i have a question do you need to see a doctor?

Does rum have caffeine in it?

No, rum does not have caffeine in it.

Besides of sugar and caffeine what else does coke have?

carbonated water, glucose fructose, caramel color phosphoric acid,natural flavor

What is the cocacola ingredents?

Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Caramel color, Phosphoric Acid, Natural Flavors and Caffeine.

What are the ingredients in regular soda?

In regular Coca Cola the ingredients are: - Carbonated water - High fructose corn syrup - Caramel color - Phosphoric acid - Natural flavors - Caffeine In regular Coca Cola the ingredients are: - Carbonated water - High fructose corn syrup - Caramel color - Phosphoric acid - Natural flavors - Caffeine