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Q: What color is the heartwood and sapwood of an oak tree?
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What is the differences between fir tree and a oak tree?

Firs are evergreens, have needles, produce cones (like pinecones) for reproduction, and are soft woods. Oak trees shed their leaves in winter, have leaves to shed, produce nuts (acorns) for reproduction and are hard woods. The difference between hard woods and soft woods is in the trunk and where the dividing line between the heartwood and sapwood exists. Oak is much harder to drive a nail into or cut than a fir.

What color is an oak trees leaves in the winter?

is the oak tree keep color in winter

What color is oak tree's leaf?


How long do oak trees live?

The many species of American oak trees often live for centuries if circumstances are favorable. Pin oaks are among the least vigorous with an average lifespan of only 100 years. In general the red oak varieties with open heartwood pores do not live as long as white oaks. White oak heartwood is more dense and less susceptible to insect and fungal attack. Red oak commonly lives to about 200 years. White oak's average lifespan is about a century longer.

What kind of tree is fatwood derived from?

Fatwood is derived from the heartwood part of pine trees. Pine is a very common form of wood and used for many types of furniture often seen as a cheaper alternative to oak.

What type of tree is an oak tree?

an oak tree much?

Is oak natural or man-made?

An OAK TREE is natural. It grows from an acorn and the wood is used for many purposes. Oak COLOR is usually manufactured Oak SCENT could be natural or synthesized.

Is an oak tree a summer tree?

An oak tree is a summer and fall tree.

What tree does an acorn come from?

An Oak treeAcorns come from oak trees.

What will grow from the seed of an oak tree?

An oak tree.

Is oak coniferous?

An Oak is a deciduous tree not an evergreen. The acorn is the seed of the Oak tree

What is the largest oak tree in the world?

The largest oak tree is the Dr. Oak from Pokemon.