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Q: What color of light most strongly turns on or activates the phytochrome photoreceptor?
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What is a Photoreceptor that sees color?


What are the two type of photoreceptor?

Rods and cones.

What type of cells does the eye contain?

Photoreceptor cells and Rod cells are the more known ones. These allow you to see color.

What do cones cells in our eye allow our eye to do?

Cones are a special type of photoreceptor cell in the retina that allow you to see brighter light than "rods" (a different type of photoreceptor cell), particularly to see color. The brain interprets the response of cones to the different wavelengths of light in order to perceive color in this way.

What is the pigment responsible for photoperiodism?

Action spectra and photoreversibility experiments show that phytochrome is the pigment that receives the red light. Red light is the most effective color in interrupting the night-time portion of the photoperiod.

Photoreceptor that is not used for color vision?

Rods are the photoreceptors that are not used in color vision. Rods are much more plentiful than the cones, and much more sensitive, they are responsible for scotopic vision.

Which is term of photoreceptor that used for color vision of human eye?

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Why can't dogs see in colour?

Most dogs cannot see in color, however, it has been discovered that some dogs can indeed see color. However, it is not as bright as humans, because dogs only have about 20% of the cone photoreceptor cells.

What are the photoreceptor cells of the eye called?

Cones help you see color and detail; rods see in black and white and detect movement in your peripheral vision.

Why does your Xerox office copier print good but a few lines are lighter in color?

A few light lines running straight across the page may mean that the photoreceptor is scratched. You should call the machine in for service.

What are the three different types of cells?

Cone cells, or cones, are one of the two types of photoreceptor cells that are in the retina of the eye which are responsible for color vision as well as eye color sensitivity; they function best in relatively bright light, as opposed to rod cells that work better in dim light.