

What color poison?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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very colorful

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Q: What color poison?
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They can be orange, black or green.

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What color is a poison arrow frog?

red and blue

What color is most poison?

the colour of the rainbow :p

What color poison ivy?

Green. It is brown when dead. The thing that distingunguishes it as poison ivy is the number of leaves, not the color. As the saying goes, " Leaves of three, leave it be." Poison ivy has a chemical(urishol) that gives most ppl a rash when they touch it.

What kind of frogs are red in color?

Strawberry Poison Frog

What is the color of a strawberry poison dart frog?

Strawberry Poison Dart frogs have a red boby and blue legs and feet.

What do a dart frog do?

it brighting it color to let people know it poison

What is the purpose of the blue color of the poison dart frog?

Any bright color on a frog is a warning: danger, I am poisonous!

How do poison caterpillars look like?

useally they have the color red somewhere on their body

What is a poison frog?

A frog red and black in color? Poisonous!

What would happen if a poison dart frog lost its bright color?

they don't