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Q: What skin colors do hedgehogs have?
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Can hedgehogs see in color?

Hedgehogs are nocturnal so seeing colors would not benfit them. However some reports say that hedgehogs can see yellows and shades of blue. They also seem to like bright colors. No one is really sure if they are color blind or not.

What does it mean when a hedgehogs foot is peeling?

dry skin

What colors are a hedeghogs spikes?

Hedgehogs spikes are usually brownand yellow.

What color is a baby hedgehog?

Baby hedgehogs skin tone is a pale pink with their quills still under their skin.

Does hedgehogs have the same colour or look?

It depends on what sort of hedgehog you're talking about. Wild species will look the same within the speices, but domesticated hedgehogs are all different colors.

Do hedgehogs live in Florida?

Yes, hedgehogs are legal in Indiana. Hedgehogs are only illegal in the states of Arizona (without permits), California, Georgia (with the exception of licensed breeders), Hawaii, Maine, and Pennsylvania.

What is brown skin and negro skin?

they are skin but different colors diabetes

Why do you have different skin colors?

Everybody has different pigments, which gives us our skin, hair and eye colors.

How was dinosaur's skin colors defined?

We still don't know what colors dinosaurs were. The pigments of their skin long ago leached out of their remains.

How does the African hedgehog have babies?

Baby hedgehogs are born without quills, and are born just like all other mammals. The first quills start emerging from a hedgehogs' skin when the baby is only an hour or so old.

What does the colors on turkeys flag stand for?

under the skin of the turkey there are theese colors.

Are there black hedgehogs?

Yes - though no hedgehog has solid colored quills, there are two varieties of "black" hedgehogs - Algerian Blacks and Salt n' Pepper. Both colors are very rare, Salt n' Pepper especially. Many people sell their hedgehogs as "salt and pepper", when truly, the animals aren't and they are simply igorant/uneducated breeders.