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dry skin

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Q: What does it mean when a hedgehogs foot is peeling?
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Does your hedgehogs color mean anything to other hedgehogs?

No, it doesn't. Not that it matters, hedgehogs are solitary animals!

How small do adult hedgehogs get?

Half to 3/4s of a foot.

What if your foot starts peeling?

If you have had swelling in the foot, sometimes after it subsides the skin will peel like with a mild sunburn. If it is the bottom of the foot and between the toes, it sounds like a fungus.

Does queen aleena love the hedgehogs?

By hedgehogs you mean her kids? If so then yes she does love her little ones.

What does friends peeling like calendars mean?


Can hedgehogs be mean?

Yes, pet hedgehogs can be very aggressive if they aren't socialized properly from a young age, or if socialization stops. Wild hedgehogs are typically aggressive as most wild animals are.

Why people didn't know that sonic can talk?

Because he is a 3 foot tall hedgehog, and hedgehogs aren't normally 3 foot tall and able to talk.

Why are your heels peeling?

maybe athletes foot, i had something like that and used tanactin and went away in a few days.

Why do you have layers of skin peeling off side of foot?

Because its dead skin from last summer?

Hedgehogs are insectivores what does that mean?

That means they exclusively eat insects.

What does peeling off a label to a water bottle mean?

Sexual frustration.

How do you get foot and mouth?

Foot and mouth, or hoof and mouth, disease is caused by a picornavirus. Cloven-footed animals catch and carry this disease - also, oddly enough, hedgehogs and elephants!