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Q: What color sensation is produced by light with a wave length of 5200 A?
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What is the sensation produced by light as it strikes the eye a tint other than black or white?

Anything other than black, white, or different shades of gray is normally known as "color".

What are ultraviolet colors?

"Color" is the sensation that a light produces in your eye and your brain. Ultraviolet light is not detected by your eye, so there's no such thing as its color.

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purpleish light

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white light!

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What does an object do to light so you can see it?

Reflects all light beams which have the wave length of the color of that object. Each color has a particular wave length in the electromagnetic spectrum.

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heat is produced, light is produced, gas is produced, the chemicals change color.

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Which color of light is produced by mixing green light and blue light?

If you mix green light and blue light, you get turqoise (a greenish-blueish color) light. Hope this helped! -ID6784