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Q: What color should sick be?
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Why would a bullfrog be pale?

A bull frog might be pale because it is sick, getting old, or that's what color it should be.

Does the color green mean?

The color green means the you are relaxed and laid-back. Green is also a color if you are sick. Green in the face means you are sick or going to throw-up.

Your daughter smoke some marijuana and is very sick and green in color should you be worried?

yes because it's made from marmite

What color is a sea sick alligator?


How can you tell if a ladybug is sick?

They loose there color

What should you check for to ensure meat is good enough to eat?

most times you can smell it but the color helps if it is green it can make you real sick

What color is sick?

Sick can be many colours such as green, red, yellow, etc depending on what you eat.

Why is my dog's nose dry and his pee green?

If your dog's nose is dry, they are probably sick. If the urine is a strange color, then that is a big sign that they are. I am no veterinarian by any stretch of the imagination, but your dog is sick. You should take them to the vet as soon as you can.

What color do hamsters teeth turn when they are sick?


When tiger fish get sick what color do they change?


Should you play with a sick dog?

no incase it goes sick

Why my female budgie having her maroon color poop?

she must be sick.