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Q: What color was the tootsie pop in the commercial?
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What is the name of the boy in the tootsie pop commercial?

the boy on the tootsie pop commercial is named ........? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW! WHY DON'T U ASK TOOTSIE POP, NOT WIKIANSWERS

What yr did the tootsie pop commercial How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop 1st air?

1969 1970

What is the most popular color tootsie pop?


How old is the tootsie roll commercial with the boy and the owl?

I think it first appeared in 1970. 1970 was the year the Tootsie Roll Pop Commercial first aired.

How many licks does it take to lick a tootsie pop?

The most common answer is 3 for the COMMERCIAL. For the real answer go on Official Tootsie pop website 2009. You might want to reword your answer though because it only takes one lick to lick a tootsie pop but i know you meant the center.

What is the tootsie pop catch phrase?

The Tootsie pop catchphrase is "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie roll pop?"

Does the color of a tootsie roll pop affect how long it takes to get to the chocolate center?

NO! I mean YES it makes it harder to get through

What is the purpose of sugar in a tootsie pop?

To give the Tootsie Pop flavor.

What taste better Tootsie Pop or Tootsie Roll?

It depends on the flavor! I say the tootsie pop! especially the orange one!

How does the color of a tootsie pop affect the number of licks it takes to get to the chewy center?

It doesn't... >:P

How many calories are in a Tootsie Roll Pop?

There are 60 calories in a tootsie roll pop.

What is the name of the owl in the tootsie pop commercial?

his name is bob saget. Look up bob saget to find the answer