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Q: What colors Paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects?
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How was color invented?

Everything that is often used must have name. Such objects as colors were often used by people and people decided to give them names for simplicity. They were not invented. Only its names were invented. Colors as object are innate nature property so explanation lays in quantum electrodynamics (because colors represent photons of diffrent wave length and photons secret isn't yet enough reseached). So if you mean invention of colors as objects i.e photons - they are not invented fully yet

What feature allows a komodo dragon to swallow large objects?

i have no idea people

Why is the sun responsible for people's ability to see other objects within the solar system?

The Sun's light, falling on other objects, allows people to see planets and other objects, which would be dark otherwise.

What do the colors mean on a thermal camera?

The lighter or redder the color appears, the warmer the object is. This is how you can determine what objects are people or animals on a thermal camera. Nonliving objects, or colder objects, will appear blue or purple on the camera.

What is the electric light used for?

It allows people to see in places and in times when/where there is not enough natural lighting.

How does a paint color wheel work?

It allows people to see similar and contrasting colors in order to find out what colors contrast nicely in a painting. It also assists artists in knowing which colors to mix in order to get certain color themes and shades in a piece of artwork.

What is a texture hack?

It's when people go to the files which store the colors and palletes of the game's objects, it can be changed and called a texture hack, you can then play as your edited character.

How do dog eyes work?

Contrary to what many people think, dogs can see some colors. In a dog's eye, 10 percent of the photoreceptors are cones, which allows him to see muted colors. He can't tell the difference between purple and grey or white and light blue, but certain colors are discernible. Dogs have more rods than humans, which allows them to detect movement much better than humans.

Why do people like colors?

The colors attract them.

What are the objects of punishment?

Objects that you use to punish people.

Can wind cause injuries?

Yes. People have been injured and even killed due to wind. Strong wind gusts can knock people to the ground, topple trees, knock objects from roofs and balconies, and even carry debris. In a tornado the wind may be strong enough to lift people and large objects into the air.

Can people morph into objects?

Are you serious? Everyone knows that people can't morph into objects.