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Q: What colors are similar to turquoise and aqua?
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What is aqua?

An aqua is a shade of colour, usually a mix of green and blue, similar to the colour turquoise.

Are aqua and cyan the same color?

no, i believe blue green is equal parts of blue and green where as aqua green would be 2 parts green 1 part blue

What colors have 2 syllibles?

yellow, turquoise, orange, purple, violet, silver, amber, aqua, crimson, metallic, iris, linen.

What colours do you get if you mix green and blue?

You would get aqua or turquoise.

What color has Q and U in its name?

Aqua and turquoise both do.

What color green and blue mixed together?

Turquoise or aqua

What other types of blue are similar to ruby blue?

There are some colors that are very similar to the color ruby blue. A few notable examples are the colors "blue sapphire", "turquoise", and the color "teal".

What is Inna favorite color?

Different shades of green and blue and mixes of those two colors, like turquoise, aqua and indigo (although indigo has some purple in it, WHO CARES?!?!?!?!?) :P

When you mix the primary colors of pigments what color do you produce?

Any color imaginable is produced by mixing the primary colors. The primary colors are red, yellow and blue and from these three all the colors can be produced. For example, yellow and blue make green. Adding more blue to the basic green will produce turquoise and adding white to the turquoise will produce an aqua. You can play with all the other combinations of primary colors, such as red and yellow, red and blue, in the same way.

Is turquoise lighter or darker than aqua?

You can tell the difference when you look up the meaning and the appearance of these two colors. Teal is a small freshwater duck, typically with a greenish band on the wing that is most prominent in flight which means its more of a green color or another meaning a greenish-blue color the word green in front of it means its more of green than blue. Turquoise means a bluish green color based on the gem of the same name. The word bluish in front of it (blue) means its more of a blue than a green. Basicly, the difference is that Teal is more of a green and Turquoise is more of a blue.

What is the difference between the colours aquamarine and turquoise?

Aqua is a little lighter than Turqouise

What colors should I wear with Sleeping Beauty turquoise jewelry?

Sleeping Beauty turquoise is a lively blue color, and contrasting colors of similar tones work well. These include colors like burnt orange or olive greens. Neutrals are a no-fail option too! They are always in style, and represent a safe choice no matter when you wear them.