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Q: What colors do you have to add together to make orange?
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What colors mixed together makes?

blue and red make purple yellow and blue make green red and yellow make orange blue, yellow, and red are primary colors. purple, green, and orange are secondary colors. If you add white to any of these colors it will make them a lighter shade.

What colors do you mix to make turquoise?

the colors to make cooper is probobly brown and orange.

What colors can you mix to make skin color?

red and white make a pink color then add orange to make peach

What colors do you mix together to make almond?

Add brown to white, and add a small amount of yellow.

What color does orange and violet together make?

orange and purple combined make a reddish- brown. The reason is orange is red plus yellow, and purple is red plus blue, the three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. When they are combined they make brown. You will add one additional red in using the orange, thus, the reddish hue in the brown color resulting.

What colors make a burnt orange?

you just mix orange with a little bit of black if its to black just add some white and some black

What color does pink and orange make together?

pink and orange make sort of dark orange because if you were to add orange and red it would be dark orange which sitts to gether in the color wheel. Pink is a light red, tus if you add it it would be a dark orange (RIGHT, COMMENCE SENSE)

What colors make apricot?

actually, it takes a longgg time to make apricot. Since apricot is a shade of orange or brown, why not add white?

What 2 colors make purple?

There are two colors that you can mix together to make purple. Those colors are red and blue. You can make the hue lighter or darker depending on how much of each you add.

Which color to mix to get orange?

The colors to mix to get orange are: Red and Yellow. If you want a darker shade of orange, add more Red. If you want a lighter shade of orange, add more Yellow.

What 2 colors mixed makes purple?

There are two colors that you can mix together to make purple. Those colors are red and blue. You can make the hue lighter or darker depending on how much of each you add.

What do you get when you add red and yellow together?

If you add yellow to red you get orange.