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Q: What colors where babies when they were first conceived?
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How are babies conceived?

They are conceived the same way as every mammal on earth is conceived. And if you want to see it in the making go to YouTube.

When will your rabbit have babies?

Rabbits have their babies 28-32 days after they've conceived.

What do babies see?

At first babies can only see bright,dark colors such as black,red,and white. They can see other colors,but not very well.After a few weeks they begin to see more colors.

Compare the test tube babies and babies conceived in a normal way?

The babies, once born, are all the same.

Which colors are associated with babies?

Pastels are associated with babies.

What is the difference between test tube babies and naturally conceived babies?

Test tube babies are concieved in test tubes. Naturally concieved babies are concieved during sexual intercourse

Are test tube babies born with extraordinary powers?

There is no evidence to suggest that babies conceived in vitro have any extraordinary abilities or deficits.

Why does August have the highest birth rate?

Because most babies are conceived after the Christmas party.

Do babies see in black and white?

no they do not whoever answered this is a dog and mentally deranged. babies cannot open their eyes for the first week then the open their eyes and can see all colors of the rainbow.

What comes first conception or conceived?

conception. conceived is the past tense, referring to when it happened.

What are some of the colors Beanie Babies come in?

They pretty much come in all colors

What color do babies respond to most often?

Babies respond to bright colors most often. This might be yellow or pink. Some babies even like red. New colors are their favorite, and will likely get a second glance.