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mostly green and yellow, i dont know where

ur from, but here in Australia, they're all green and yellow kk?😉

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Q: What colour are budgerigars in the wild?
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Related questions

What is a group of budgerigars?

A group of wild budgies is called a flock.

What is the customary unit weight or mass of a parakeet?

Wild budgerigars weigh 1.1-1.4 oz.

What is a group of budgerigar called?

A group of wild budgies is called a flock.

Where would you find budgerigars in their natural habitat?

Budgerigars live wild in Australia. Their natural habitat is semi-arid regions, grasslands, bushland and scrub. Budgies are found across almost all of Australia, apart from the coastal regions.

What is the colour of male budgerigars Ceres?

A male budgerigar's cere is usually violet, sometimes with a touch of blue. Females have white or peachy ceres.

Where would you most likely find a flock of wild budgerigars?

Australia, some feral flocks in south Florida. But there native home is Australia.

How many budgerigars are there in the world?

There are more than 500,0000 budgerigars because new ones are born each year so no matter if you say there won't be any budgerigars there will be lots of them.

Are budgerigars rare?

No. Budgerigars are very common, both as pets worldwide, and in their native habitat and country of Australia.

Where does budgerigars live?


Do budgerigars recognize their names?

Mine seems to!

What is the best color for your monkey in wild ones?

You can hack in wild ones but i think the best colour is red. You can watch on youtube how to hack colour, so...

What area of the world does a bird called a Budgie live?

Budgerigars are a beautiful bird. They live captive in zoo's all around the world. If you seek to find them in their natural habitat, they live wild in Australia.