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Q: What colour are the biggest grains in a granite?
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Does granite have rounded grains?

Granite does not have rounded grains but contains interlocking grains. An example of a rock with rounded grains is a sandstone.

Does granite have Gaps between the Grains?

No. Granite does not have gaps between the grains. The crystals in an intrusive igneous rock are interlocking.

Granite have small or large grains?

Large grains, and crystals

Which rock has large mineral grains granite obsidian basalt or pumice?


Does granite have grains sometimes called crystals?


Why do they call granite granite?

Granite is actually made of mineral grains that are stuck together and solidified. It appears that the name "granite" comes from the based word "grain".

How is granite different to sandstone?

Granite is an Igneous rock, sandstone is a sedimentary rock, sandstone is made up of grains that are bonded together lightly, you can even rub some of the grains off with your hands. Granite is not made from grains, they are deep into the mountains, and used for building materials, they even have crystals in them.

Are rocks composed of numerous distinct grains?

Yes. The grains can be microscopic, as in sandstone, or quite large, as in granite.

Which rock has large mineral grains?


Quartz and potassium feldspar grains are the main constituents of which rock?

Felsic igneous rock, like granite.

What is the biggest kind of rock?

The biggest rocks are unfractured granite batholiths.

How is Granite different from Sandstone?

Granite is an igneous rock formed from the cooling of molten magma deep within the Earth's crust, characterized by its interlocking crystals of minerals like feldspar, quartz, and mica. Sandstone, on the other hand, is a sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized mineral particles and rock fragments, usually cemented together by minerals like quartz or calcite. Granite is more durable and resistant to weathering compared to sandstone.