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Q: What colour can disleycsic people see the clearest?
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When can you see Pisces constellation the clearest?

In the fall.

What is the orange color?

The colour orange is a very happy colour that makes people feel cheerful when they see it.

What do people see when they have color blindness?

The same but imagine changing certain colours.

How far can a newborn see?

Newborns see clearest between 8 to 15 inches from their face. They can see further but objects are extremely blurry.

Do you see differently through different eye colors?

do people with different eye colour see differently

How do people see light?

the light is absorbed and the colour comes out into your eye xoxoxo

Do Cats and Kittens see same colors thate people see?

yes they do see in colour but not in the same way as we do they see in darker colours

What do color blind people see when looking at red?

they most likely see green as if it is the most common type of colour blindness red/green colour blindness he/she would see green i think :S

Are dogs colordblind?

Difficult question. Dogs do see colour but have certain limitations. Most colours they can see but have a problem with some. As with some people who are colour blind with certain colours such as red and green

When did we first see colour television in Australia?

september 16 In 1967 15 june people first see color television in austrailia

Nine is the complementry color to one?

Some people with synesthesia might see 9 in a colour complementary to 1, others may see them differently.

How well can goblin sharks see?

Sharks may not have the clearest eyesight, but they can detect 7 times more light than humans.