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Any colour really, but mostly these: * Bright Blue * Dark Purple * Purple * Bright Red* * Salmon Pink * Light Yellow * Bright Yellow * Lime Green * Dark Green * White * Grey * Gold * Silver *Not only does bright red looks really good on a woman with brunette hair and a light skin tone, when women we wear red it determines a powerful, independant, strong minded woman

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Q: What colour cocktail dress suits a brunette with light skin?
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If you have a blue shirt with red light hitting the dress what colour does the dress look?

It looks purple in colour. So let's see: You are wearing a blue shirt and a dress of some other colour, have I got this right? If the shirt is truly pure blue and it is hit by pure red light it will appear black. I can't answer for the dress, because its colour is not stated.

What colour dress should you get to go with Light purple heels?

white with light purple accents

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Black or a dark blue if you have blonde or light hair. If you have dark red or a lightish brunette you can where black, nude, or white. If you have black or a really dark brunette then I suggest nude or white. This way your outfit is balanced out and not to light or not to dark

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she wasn't wearing a dress she was wearing a light yellow shirt with black sweats

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Blue, pink or yellow would be a great colour dress to suit your hair.

What colour matches with the light blue dress?

Black colors. also browns can go with it, depending on the shade of blue

What colour hair has Mickie James got?

Mickie James has light-brown hair. But she occasionally dyes it. Her Hair currently is dark brunette. Also she is the best diva in WWE!

Why does a violet dress appear to be violet in sunlight?

because since a dress doesn't produce it's own light, but nearly reflects the light in its surroundings; so it would absorb the light and appear as the colour of the fabric :) And if you were in a dark room, the shirt (dress ect.) wouldn't have any light to reflect so it would appear black.

What shoes go well with a yellow dress?

♥Maybe a bronze colour shoe, or even a light gold.♥

What does cocktail attire refer to?

Its basically Since the name for this style can be misconstrued and confused with casual wear, it is often called business attire or western business. The most common way in which a man can dress in informal attire is by wearing a two-piece suit.Similarly, women may wear a light or dark colored dress, suit, or dressy separates, though this would be verging on "business attire," which is slightly more casual; the nature of the event and the list of people attending may further help in deciding.

Is it okay to wear velvet in the Spring?

Yes if it is for evening, cocktail or sleeveless formal. Black is the best choice for this option. Best to dress it with a strappy sandle type heel and light wrap.

What colour shoes and cardigan should you wear with a light baby blue dress It's for a concert please help?

Cream colored